Who We Are



Bethany, who does the roasting around here, is a stay at home mom to two wild boys who enjoys reading a sentence of a book at a time, drinking lukewarm, day old coffee, repeating herself constantly and forgetting her social security number.


Dallas is a travel RN by day and a coffee roasting business starter by night who loves watching approximately 11 minutes of Seinfeld before passing out each evening. He is known to jump at any chance of adventure (i.e., traveling across the country in a Vanagon, building out a skoolie, renovating an RV, small things like that) and also enjoys a cup of good, day old lukewarm coffee.

We’ve been coffee enthusiasts for a long time. College was a dark season, full of sugary creamers and the cheapest, discounted beans just to keep our eyes open during classes. We evolved to appreciate a better brew living in Portland, Oregon and turned into semi-snobs… you know the types. Fast forward a couple of years and a couple of kids later and our standards have bounced around considerably (there’s zero room for snobbery when you’re awake 9 times a night with a newborn and just chugging coffee to stay alive). Having been all over the coffee spectrum, we think there’s room right here in the middle of “good.”

The push to be the best has its place, like, say the Olympics. But in the coffee business, where everyone claims to care most or to know more or to have reinvented the bean, we figured there was room for unpretentious roasts and down-to-earth profiles for cups of good coffee. And we hope you agree.

So, let us prove to you that there’s nothing wrong with Good Enough.